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Hrana za zdravlje crijeva

"Vi ste ono što jedete" nije samo drska fraza koju koriste liječnici i zdravstveni stručnjaci kako bi nas prevarili da se... Više...
ADHD u odraslih

Poremećaj s nedostatkom pažnje i hiperaktivnošću (ADHD) svrstan je u razvojne poremećaje, premda se sve više smatra... Više...
Organ transplantations change personality

Scientists have found that organ transplants can have unexpected consequences, including profound changes to one's personality... Više...
Who want to live forever?

The oldest person in the world recently turned 117 years old. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control... Više...
Fight against HIV

“To not have to remember that every morning is earth-changing for them,” said Dr. Rachel Bender Ignacio, director of... Više...
PMS ili prehlada

Žene nerijetko razmišljaju o PMS kao "menstrualnoj prehladi". Svatko tko ima menstruaciju iz iskustva zna da mjesečni ciklus... Više...
Coke? Just sugar!

Though most people are wise to the fact that soda isn’t exactly a nutrient-filled drink, you may be wondering just how much... Više...
Allergiees tips

If you’re an allergy sufferer and you know it’s your time of the year, you may be able to correlate your symptoms, Dr. Emily... Više...

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Hrana za zdravlje crijeva PDF Ispis E-mail
Subota, 04 Svibanj 2024 10:49

ana"Vi ste ono što jedete" nije samo drska fraza koju koriste liječnici i zdravstveni stručnjaci kako bi nas prevarili da se zdravo hranimo: to je zapravo vrlo, vrlo istinito. Ako svoje tijelo hranite hranjivom hranom, vaše unutarnje funkcioniranje imat će veću priliku za procvat, a tako ćete i vi - ali ako ga napunite smećem, vaši unutarnji sustavi će se pokvariti, a vaše zdravlje će to početi odražavati.


Coke? Just sugar! PDF Ispis E-mail
Utorak, 16 Travanj 2024 19:13

colaThough most people are wise to the fact that soda isn’t exactly a nutrient-filled drink, you may be wondering just how much enjoying a soda every day actually affects your health. If you haven’t thought about it, it’s worth considering. After all, it’s the daily habits that affect us the most. Just how much does drinking soda every day impact health? Keep reading to find out.


Keto diet improve mental health PDF Ispis E-mail
Srijeda, 03 Travanj 2024 09:25


dietA ketogenic diet consisting of low-carb, high-fat foods may ease the symptoms of serious mental illness and reduce weight gain and other side effects from the drugs used to treat it, new research shows. A clinical trial, led by researchers at Stanford Medicine, recruited 23 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and instructed them to follow a diet consisting of 10%carbohydrates, 30% protein and about 60% fat.


Špek i luk! Štetno ili korisno? PDF Ispis E-mail
Srijeda, 13 Prosinac 2023 18:29

lukMasti u slanini su oko 50% mononezasićene, a veliki dio njih je oleinska kiselina, ona ista koja se nalazi i u, hvalevrijednom, maslinovom ulju. Preostala masnoća u slanini je 40% zasićena i 10% višestruko nezasićena, uz pristojnu količinu kolesterola. Kolesterol u prehrani bio je problem u prošlosti, ali danas znamo da unos kolesterola ima manje učinke na razinu kolesterola u krvi. Iako se i dalje vjeruje da visok unos zasićenih masnoća može povećati određene čimbenike rizika za bolesti srca, studije još uvijek nisu nisu uspjele dokazati nikakve konkretne veze između unosa zasićenih masti i bolesti srca.


Asian Street Food Fest PDF Ispis E-mail
Nedjelja, 11 Lipanj 2023 17:05

asiaFrom June 15 (Thu.) till June 25, the first Asian Street Food Festival begins, which attracted a lot of attention even before the official announcement, and we have to admit that we are also looking forward to it. On the charming, everyone's favorite Josip Juraj Strossmayer Square, visitors will this time be able to taste, smell and feel the beauty and richness of Asia with all their senses, thanks to the passionate and unwavering team of creatives and gourmet enthusiasts from the Agency "Kokoš ili jaje".


Weight loss food PDF Ispis E-mail
Četvrtak, 08 Lipanj 2023 08:57

fruitAs summer approaches, we stop longer and longer in front of the mirror, measuring our figure and imagining the day when we will wear a bathing suit. In order to achieve the desired weight, we adjust our weekly menu and add hours of exercise to our daily schedule. Among the foods that can help us get rid of excess weight are fruits and vegetables that ripen in spring.


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