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Hrana za zdravlje crijeva

"Vi ste ono što jedete" nije samo drska fraza koju koriste liječnici i zdravstveni stručnjaci kako bi nas prevarili da se... Više...
ADHD u odraslih

Poremećaj s nedostatkom pažnje i hiperaktivnošću (ADHD) svrstan je u razvojne poremećaje, premda se sve više smatra... Više...
Organ transplantations change personality

Scientists have found that organ transplants can have unexpected consequences, including profound changes to one's personality... Više...
Who want to live forever?

The oldest person in the world recently turned 117 years old. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control... Više...
Fight against HIV

“To not have to remember that every morning is earth-changing for them,” said Dr. Rachel Bender Ignacio, director of... Više...
PMS ili prehlada

Žene nerijetko razmišljaju o PMS kao "menstrualnoj prehladi". Svatko tko ima menstruaciju iz iskustva zna da mjesečni ciklus... Više...
Coke? Just sugar!

Though most people are wise to the fact that soda isn’t exactly a nutrient-filled drink, you may be wondering just how much... Više...
Allergiees tips

If you’re an allergy sufferer and you know it’s your time of the year, you may be able to correlate your symptoms, Dr. Emily... Više...

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Organ transplantations change personality PDF Ispis E-mail
Ponedjeljak, 29 Travanj 2024 07:45

bubregScientists have found that organ transplants can have unexpected consequences, including profound changes to one's personality and sexual preferences. In a study involving 47 participants, a whopping 89 percent reported personality changes following their surgery, the South China Morning Post reports, no matter what organ they had received. These changes included changes in the preferences for food, intimacy, and even professional pursuits. As detailed in a paper published in the journal Transplantology in January, a team of researchers from the University of Colorado found that a majority of participants reported changes in their personality, including "enhanced social and sexual adaptation," and "spiritual or religious episodes."


Who want to live forever? PDF Ispis E-mail
Petak, 19 Travanj 2024 06:22

anaThe oldest person in the world recently turned 117 years old. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, life expectancy in the United States currently stands at 77.5 years. That's a nearly 40-year gap. Hoping to inch closer to the supercentenarian end of the spectrum? While a lot of what determines how long we live is out of our control — genetics and plain dumb luck play their part too — there are some habits associated with living healthier, and by extension, longer lives. Below, some longevity experts share the lifestyle changes they recommend.


Allergies gets longer PDF Ispis E-mail
Četvrtak, 04 Travanj 2024 08:21

alergiaIf you’re suffering from allergies right now, we’ve got some bad news for you. Chances are you live in a city where the allergy season is growing longer and worse. That’s because as the climate has warmed, there are fewer days with hard freezes. That gives pollen producers, grasses and weeds a longer period of time to thrive (and make your eyes water). The 2024 season has kicked off especially early, experts say.


Pivski kvasac PDF Ispis E-mail
Srijeda, 13 Prosinac 2023 16:06

marioPivski kvasac ili prehrambeni kvasac (lat. Saccharomyces cerevisiae) se koristi prvenstveno u proizvodnji piva i vina. Zbog mnogo hranjivih sastojaka koristi se i kao suplement u prehrani. Bitno je napomenuti da se kvasac koji se koristi u svrhe suplementacije, u procesu proizvodnje suši i inaktivira. Stanice pivskog kvasca koriste šećer u različitim oblicima kako bi osigurale energiju za rast, pretvarajući ga u ugljikov dioksid, etanol i nusprodukte, čime dolazi do vrenja.


Ksantelazme - metode uklanjanja PDF Ispis E-mail
Petak, 10 Studeni 2023 07:57

marioKsantelazma nije bolna niti štetna, a lako se uklanja po potrebi.Riječ je o žućkastim nakupinama kolesterola ispod kože, najčešće na kapcima ili ispod njih.  Kolesterolske pjege koje možete primetiti oko očiju su zapravo naslage masti koje se formiraju ispod površine kože, obično na unutrašnjoj strani gornjeg kapka.


Summer hair care PDF Ispis E-mail
Ponedjeljak, 04 Rujan 2023 16:59

knjigaSummer can be a challenging season for our hair, as the combination of heat, humidity and sun exposure can wreak havoc, leaving our locks frizzy, dry and even causing sunburn on the scalp. But fear not, we have some essential tips to help you care for your hair during the sunny season and keep it looking fabulous.


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