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Četvrtak, 08 Lipanj 2023 08:57

fruitAs summer approaches, we stop longer and longer in front of the mirror, measuring our figure and imagining the day when we will wear a bathing suit. In order to achieve the desired weight, we adjust our weekly menu and add hours of exercise to our daily schedule. Among the foods that can help us get rid of excess weight are fruits and vegetables that ripen in spring.




Carrots are a simple and rewarding food that can be found in every supermarket. It is rich in carotenoids and vitamin A, which, as we assure children, ensures good vision and quality skin. It contains many antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart attacks and bladder tumors. Carbohydrates in carrots help regulate blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes.


Young asparagus that can be found in the green thicket are low-calorie body cleansers that favor digestion, protect the heart and blood vessels, and are a rich source of vitamin E that strengthens the immune system and protects cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. It is not out of place to mention that they are a well-known diuretic that gets rid of excess fluid, and also a folk aphrodisiac.


Beetroot, fresh, boiled or baked, is a rich source of iron, as indicated by its red color, and prevents anemia. Natural nitrates can help lower blood pressure. The presence of antioxidants stimulates the work of the liver. Beetroot leaves in boiled form have been used against constipation since ancient times.


Cherries are an ally of a slim line. They owe their dark red color to anthocyanins, antioxidants with strong anti-inflammatory properties. They lower the level of LDL cholesterol and can be useful in the prevention of colon cancer. Eating cherries can relieve pain associated with gout. The consumption of cherries found a significant decrease in the level of urate in the plasma, and an increase in the excretion of urate in the urine.


Pineapple was once an exotic fruit available only in cans, but with the advancement of transport techniques, it is available all year round as an important health ally. With its content rich in antioxidants, it plays an important role in the anti-inflammatory processes of the small and large intestine. Vitamin C reduces joint pain in people with osteoarthritis. As a source of manganese, it plays an important role in bone health.


The use of these foods in the form of freshly squeezed juices or as a side dish provides a daily dose of vitamins and minerals, regulates digestion and helps to reduce excess weight and reach the desired body weight before summer vacation.

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