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Home Fokus Allergies gets longer
Allergies gets longer PDF Ispis E-mail
Četvrtak, 04 Travanj 2024 08:21

alergiaIf you’re suffering from allergies right now, we’ve got some bad news for you. Chances are you live in a city where the allergy season is growing longer and worse. That’s because as the climate has warmed, there are fewer days with hard freezes. That gives pollen producers, grasses and weeds a longer period of time to thrive (and make your eyes water). The 2024 season has kicked off especially early, experts say.



It’s not just that allergy season is growing longer – there’s also evidence it’s getting more intense. One study looked at the impact of increased carbon dioxide on ragweed plants. It found that with more carbon dioxide in the environment, ragweed plants grew larger and produced significantly more pollen. There isn’t one clear cause for why that may be the case, explained Climate Central meteorologist Lauren Casey. While global warming is happening globally, the impact at the local level isn’t always clear-cut and predictable.

“I think of global warming as a big umbrella. We’re seeing our global average temperatures increasing over time due to carbon pollution, but the effect of that is climate change. And that doesn’t always necessarily just mean warming in a given location. It has all sorts of different and cascading effects,” Casey said. It can also be harder to analyze the length of allergy seasons in the South and Southeast, Casey said, because some of the cities never drop below freezing, or only do so rarely. Another recent report, released by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, focused on where allergy sufferers have it worst overall. "House cleaning, clothes changing, healthy food and sensibilisation are available treatments for allergy therapy and prevention" MD consulting. (Google/Hill)

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