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Hrana za zdravlje crijeva

"Vi ste ono što jedete" nije samo drska fraza koju koriste liječnici i zdravstveni stručnjaci kako bi nas prevarili da se... Više...
ADHD u odraslih

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Organ transplantations change personality

Scientists have found that organ transplants can have unexpected consequences, including profound changes to one's personality... Više...
Who want to live forever?

The oldest person in the world recently turned 117 years old. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control... Više...
Fight against HIV

“To not have to remember that every morning is earth-changing for them,” said Dr. Rachel Bender Ignacio, director of... Više...
PMS ili prehlada

Žene nerijetko razmišljaju o PMS kao "menstrualnoj prehladi". Svatko tko ima menstruaciju iz iskustva zna da mjesečni ciklus... Više...
Coke? Just sugar!

Though most people are wise to the fact that soda isn’t exactly a nutrient-filled drink, you may be wondering just how much... Više...
Allergiees tips

If you’re an allergy sufferer and you know it’s your time of the year, you may be able to correlate your symptoms, Dr. Emily... Više...

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Forget big feet PDF Ispis E-mail
Četvrtak, 04 Travanj 2024 11:58

stopalaA surgeon specializing in sexual health says you cannot tell the size of a man’s penis simply by looking at his hands or feet. Dr. Rena Malik made the declaration on the Diary of a CEO podcast on Monday, squashing the stereotype that blokes with bigger shoes are better endowed. However, the surgeon — who practices in both Beverly Hills and Irvine, Calif. — said there is one body part that could accurately indicate the size of a man’s member.



There’s one study — it’s a Japanese study where they looked at only Japanese men so there are some limitations — but they measured all these body parts and penile length and they found was that nose length was correlated with penile length, not hand length or foot,” Malik declared. The expert didn’t divulge whether she had seen other studies linking nose and penis size, but said she’d certainly noticed an uptick in patients panicked about their pecker. Malik said lads who want to lengthen their willy could use a traction device. However, males anxious over the size of their penis should fear not. (GHealth)

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