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Hrana za zdravlje crijeva

"Vi ste ono što jedete" nije samo drska fraza koju koriste liječnici i zdravstveni stručnjaci kako bi nas prevarili da se... Više...
ADHD u odraslih

Poremećaj s nedostatkom pažnje i hiperaktivnošću (ADHD) svrstan je u razvojne poremećaje, premda se sve više smatra... Više...
Organ transplantations change personality

Scientists have found that organ transplants can have unexpected consequences, including profound changes to one's personality... Više...
Who want to live forever?

The oldest person in the world recently turned 117 years old. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control... Više...
Fight against HIV

“To not have to remember that every morning is earth-changing for them,” said Dr. Rachel Bender Ignacio, director of... Više...
PMS ili prehlada

Žene nerijetko razmišljaju o PMS kao "menstrualnoj prehladi". Svatko tko ima menstruaciju iz iskustva zna da mjesečni ciklus... Više...
Coke? Just sugar!

Though most people are wise to the fact that soda isn’t exactly a nutrient-filled drink, you may be wondering just how much... Više...
Allergiees tips

If you’re an allergy sufferer and you know it’s your time of the year, you may be able to correlate your symptoms, Dr. Emily... Više...

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Home Novosti ZeGe VeGe Festival 2016.
ZeGe VeGe Festival 2016. PDF Ispis E-mail
Članci - Novosti
Autor Medikus   
Nedjelja, 07 Kolovoz 2016 22:25

zegevege16Petak, 2. rujna 2016. (9-21 sat) i subota, 3. rujna 2016. (9-19 sati) dani su kada trebate biti u Zagrebu – na najvećoj Veganmaniji u regiji! Vaše prijave šaljite na =!1:// ili e-mail Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spam robota, nije vidljiva ako ste isključili JavaScript . Welcome to Veganmania in Croatia - the 9th ZeGeVege Festival of Sustainable Living!

Kao 85. izlagač, Advent će predstaviti svoje raznolike veganske proizvode na ZeGeVege festivalu. As the 85th exhibitor Advent, will present its various vegan products at the ZeGeVege Festival.

Makam Naturkost, vegansko-vegetarijanski bio-catering iz Njemačke jedan je od restorana na ZeGeVege festivalu i najavljujemo ga kao 79. izlagača. Želite li kušati veganski kebab, ovo je prava prigoda za to! Makam Naturkost, vegan-vegetarian Bio-Catering from Germany is one of the restaurants at the ZeGeVege Festival, and we announce it as the 79th exhibitor. If you want to try a vegan kebab, this is the right opportunity!

http://www.zegevegecom VEZANI SADRŽAJI

Ažurirano: Nedjelja, 07 Kolovoz 2016 23:05
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