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Home Gastro Asian Street Food Fest
Asian Street Food Fest PDF Ispis E-mail
Nedjelja, 11 Lipanj 2023 17:05

asiaFrom June 15 (Thu.) till June 25, the first Asian Street Food Festival begins, which attracted a lot of attention even before the official announcement, and we have to admit that we are also looking forward to it. On the charming, everyone's favorite Josip Juraj Strossmayer Square, visitors will this time be able to taste, smell and feel the beauty and richness of Asia with all their senses, thanks to the passionate and unwavering team of creatives and gourmet enthusiasts from the Agency "Kokoš ili jaje".



Asian Cusine in Croatia

The Agency who after 11 years of Fuling, 7 years of Burger festival and two years of the Pizza Festival, they bring the first street food festival dedicated to Asian Cuisine to the people of Zagreb and all guests of the capital. In addition to fans of Asian specialties, the interest in this festival is also great among the participants, so the festival line-up was expanding every day, and the chefs were excitedly preparing the menus.

Creative Kids Zone

The first Asian national team is equipped and 11 houses will be organized and welcome visitors. For all of them, the first Asian Street Food Festival is an ideal platform for research and creative expression, and for visitors a unique opportunity to taste a wide and unique selection of Asian specialties in one place. In addition to enjoying food, entertainment and culture, visitors will be able to participate in gastronomic workshops, and the youngest visitors can also expect culinary and art workshops and numerous educational and creative contents as part of the festival's Kids Zone.

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