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Home Gastro Pizza Fest 2023.
Pizza Fest 2023. PDF Ispis E-mail
Četvrtak, 11 Svibanj 2023 18:32

pizzaThe second consecutive Pizza festival 18.-28. May is dedicated to the most famous dish in the world will transform Zagreb's J.J. Strossmayer place in the real Little Italy. A selected team of chefs and pizza masters will offer visitors their latest gastronomic creations at ten small houses. Pizzas and other dishes designed especially for this occasion, as well as completely classic ones, will be presented by the New Zagreb pizzeria and bar Mrs. Fogg, who prepared three types of pizza and one special for each day of the festival.


Napoletana pizza


The Italian restaurant Al Dente will present pizza Contemporanea - modern Napoletana, and will surprise visitors with pizza frittata. Marin Medak and RougeMarin participate with five types of Sicilian pizza with a common theme - Rougemarin Mafia. This year's Pizza Festival Zagreb is also proud of the humanitarian dimension of the Festival. Famous people will make their original pizza on May 18, 23, 24 and 25, and all proceeds from the pizzas baked by Goran Bogdan, Sandi Pego, Antonija Blaća and Mine will go to the Down Zagreb Association.

Zagi Kids Zone

During the Festival, a Zagi Kids Zone will be set up where the youngest will be able to participate in creative workshops every day, enjoy magic shows and have fun on the trampoline or bungee trampoline. Pizza Festival Zagreb will be officially opened by a representative of the Italian Embassy on May 18 at 2 p.m., and you can enjoy the tastes and sounds of Italy for the next ten days from noon to midnight. Entrance is free, and "a smile on your face is guaranteed".


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